1. Patch
The process of assigning a DMX address to a lighting fixture in the console's software. For instance, you might patch a spotlight to DMX address 1.
2. Cue
A predefined look or state for your lighting fixtures. A cue might involve certain lights being specific colors, positioned in certain ways, or with certain brightness levels.
3. Fade
The transition time between two different states of lighting. A 5-second fade, for example, would gradually change the lights from their current state to a new state over 5 seconds.
4. Intensity
The brightness of a light. A fixture with an intensity of 100% is at full brightness, while an intensity of 0% means the light is off.
5. Chase
A repeating sequence of cues. A chase might involve a sequence of different colored lights flashing in a pattern, for example.
6. Palette
A saved set of attribute settings that can be applied to fixtures. A color palette, for example, might define a specific shade of blue that can be applied to different lights.
7. Group
A collection of fixtures that are controlled together. A group could include all the lights on a specific part of the stage, for example.
8. Fixture
A single lighting unit. Each fixture is assigned a unique DMX address and can be controlled individually from the console.
9. DMX Address
The unique identifier for each fixture, which allows the console to control it. A fixture might be assigned to DMX address 5, for example.
10. Playback
The act of running a series of cues. During a show, you would typically playback your cues to create the lighting effects.
11. Submaster
A control (often a fader or a button) on the console that has been assigned a specific function, such as controlling a group of lights or running a particular cue.
12. Busking
Operating the console live, typically using groups, palettes, and submasters, rather than running pre-programmed cues.
13. Effect
A dynamic lighting look, such as a wave or chase, that can be created and controlled by the console.
14. Block
A feature that prevents certain cues from inheriting changes from previous cues. This is often used to ensure specific lighting looks remain consistent.
15. Fixture Profile/Mode
The configuration in the console that matches the capabilities and control needs of a specific type of lighting fixture.
16. Gobo
A stencil or pattern placed in a light beam to create a specific shape or pattern of light. Controlled from the console to be inserted, rotated, or removed.
17. Hue
The color or shade of a light. From the console, you can change the hue of a fixture to create different lighting effects.
18. Strobe
A rapid, repeating flash of light. From the console, you can control the rate and intensity of the strobe effect.
19. Grand Master
A control that adjusts the overall output level of all lighting fixtures. This might be used to fade out all lights at the end of a show.
20. Blackout
A button or control that turns off all lights. In some consoles, you might also be able to program a blackout as a cue.
Patching refers to the process of assigning a DMX address to a lighting fixture in the console's software.
A Cue in a lighting console refers to a predefined look or state for your lighting fixtures, which can involve colors, positions, or brightness levels of lights.
Fade refers to the transition time between two different states of lighting. For example, a fade could gradually transition the lighting from one look to another over a specified duration.
In lighting terms, Intensity refers to the brightness of a light, with 100% being full brightness and 0% meaning the light is off.
A Chase is a repeating sequence of cues on a lighting console, often used for creating a pattern of flashing lights or changing colors.
A Palette in lighting is a saved set of attribute settings (like colors or positions) that can be applied to fixtures.
A Group in lighting consoles is a collection of fixtures that are controlled together for easy manipulation of multiple lights at once.
A Fixture in lighting refers to a single lighting unit that is assigned a unique DMX address for individual control from the console.
A DMX Address is the unique identifier for each fixture, allowing the lighting console to control it separately from others.
Playback in lighting refers to the act of running a series of cues to create the lighting effects during a show or performance.
A Submaster is a control on the console that has been assigned a specific function, such as controlling a group of lights or running a particular cue.
Busking is operating the console live, typically using groups, palettes, and submasters, rather than running pre-programmed cues.
An Effect in a lighting console is a dynamic lighting look, such as a wave or chase, that can be created and controlled by the console.
Block is a feature that prevents certain cues from inheriting changes from previous cues to ensure specific lighting looks remain consistent.
A Fixture Profile/Mode is the configuration in the console that matches the capabilities and control needs of a specific type of lighting fixture.
A Gobo is a stencil or pattern placed in a light beam to create a specific shape or pattern of light.
Hue in lighting refers to the color or shade of a light, which can be controlled from the console to create different lighting effects.
A Strobe is a rapid, repeating flash of light that can be controlled from the console in terms of rate and intensity.
A Grand Master is a control that adjusts the overall output level of all lighting fixtures, often used for overall brightness control.
A Blackout in lighting refers to a button or control that turns off all lights, or a programmed state where all lights are off.